One of my most vivid memories from childhood is coming home from school with a group of friends and everyone wanting to know what my mom was cooking for dinner. I would just sigh and say, "Who knows."
I always wanted to eat at my friends' homes. My friends’ parents fixed things like Hamburger Helper, TV Dinners, and all that other delicious boxed food. My mom only cooked meals from scratch. I never could figure out why my friends always wanted to eat at my house. Now I know.
Food from scratch is the is healthier, cheaper, and just tastes better. Now, I am not as good at it as my mom, but I am learning. I still buy boxed Mac & Cheese, flavored rice, and once in a while Hamburger Helper (for the days there is just too much going on). The more I make from scratch the more I notice how nice it is on the budget, and my
So, in honor of my mommy, tonight I am cooking her stew and making peach crisp for dessert. I will post the recipe below. It was one of my most favorite meals she made. I would eat bowl after bowl for days. There was nothing else like it. To this day if stew is not cooked like hers…I don't eat it.
Mom's Budget Stew (Crockpot)
1lb stew meat cubed
1/2c flour
Salt & pepper to taste
2-3tbs EVOO
2 medium potatoes- cut in to chunks
1/2lb baby carrots
1/2 medium yellow onion- cut into chunks
2 celery stalks- cut into chunks
2lb box of liquid chicken stock
1c Bisquick mix
1/3c milk
1. Preheat skillet on med heat with 2-3tbs of EVOO
2. Add flour, salt, and pepper to 1gal zip lock bag. Shake to coat meat.
3. Add meat to skillet and brown.
4. While meat is browning cut potatoes, celery, and onion.
5. Add chicken broth, veggies, and meat to Crockpot.
6. Add water up to about an inch from top.
7. Turn Crockpot on high and cook for 4-5hrs (6-8 on low)
8. Just before serving mix together Bisquick and milk. Drop by spoonfulls over stew.
9. Cover and continue cooking another 20-30min until dumplings are cooked through.
Stew cooking in Crockpot |
Stew with Dumplings added |
Peach Crisp
1lb Frozen Peaches
1/2c brown sugar
1/2c oat meal
1/2c flour
1/4c soft butter
1 1/2 t apple pie spice or pumpkin pie spice (plus a tad extra to sprinkle on peaches)
1.Fill bottom of 6x6 glass dish with frozen peaches and sprinkle with spice selection.
2. Mix dry ingrediants in bow and cut in butter until you get small peices.
3. Sprinkle mixture over peaches
4. Bake at 375 for 30-40min or until top is browned and peaches are soft.
*Serve warm with ice cream or by it's self.
Enjoy these warm comfort foods....I know traditionally their a winter comfort food, but I fix them all year round. Especially when I am missing my mom. I think of her and all the good memories she helped me create.
So, next time you go to make dinner, think about the memories you are making for you family. Try and make them the best memories you can. Memories don't just come from vacations or holidays, they come from everyday little things. Make as many as you can.....I know I will.